Next Generation Internet

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Friday, October 21, 2005

Next Generation Internet Meets SOA

I have been reading and reading and reading all about the great things that are being done around Web 2.0 and other aspects of the Next Generation Internet. It is very exciting to see all of the new capabilities that people will be able to use and have at their finger tips.

One of the interesting things about all of the new developments that are happening is that the paradigm for innovation has changed. If you go back 10 to 15 years ago and look at where all the interesting innovation was happening you would see that it was happening on the business side first and then being adapted to the consumer side. It has now gone 180 degrees where most of the interesting innovation and development is going on on the consumer side first. The major leveling factor has obviously been the Internet, the world's largest testbed for innovation. Anyone can use it at anytime for almost no investment.

Now because of this interesting shift in innovation it has forced big business to look at innovation going on and then figure out how to adapt it to the business side of the house. What I beleive will happen is that business is going to figure out how to take advantage of all of this new innovation without destroying their exisitng production environments. Business have worked long and hard to create production environments (Data Centers, etc.) that have stringent rules and guidelines. New things that are inserted into this environment are typically subjected to significant integration testing to make sure that it will work correctly and more important not interfere or cause harm to the existing environment.

Business is going to need a way to grab hold of pieces of the new technology and run with it. Their traditional means will be too slow and will allow competition to leap frog ahead of them. I think that there is going to have to be a little innovation in the way they start integrating new technologies.

Here is my idea. The businesses are going to need a "safety zone" a way of plugging in new technology and make use of it right away and not cause damage. I will call it a "bridge" and by definition it will provide enough safety to the business so they can plug things in and not have to worry about the integrity of their environment.

A perfect bridge technology is SOA. Most major businesses are on their way to desgining and implementing SOA infrastructures for their environments. SOA is a services architecture that will allow businesses to shield themselves from the riff raff that could screw up corproate environments by ratcheting down accessibility by the way a service is offered. Web Services through SOA could be used as a safety factor that would be able to sense and respond if there was a problem.

SOA will also provide an integration paradigm that will allow all of that cool open source stuff being deveolped on the consumer side with all of that bet your business technology on the business side.


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